Burglar Alarm

Do Burglar Alarms Really Work?

Burglar alarms are incontestably among the most widely used security devices today. This is an amazing fact, seeing that just a few decades ago, they used to be rare appliances; the sort of gadgets that you find only in the homes of people who have ‘money to spare.’ Today, you are to find the alarms in pretty much every home – making them standard appliances – much like televisions and air conditioners.

There are two main reasons as to why so many people have taken to making use of burglar-alarms. One is the great increase in both the number and viciousness of crime. Some attribute this to the rise in ‘gangster culture’ in which crime is glorified. Other attribute it to failing morals. Other still attribute it to the disintegration of the family unit. There are also those who blame it on poverty and the growing gap between the rich and poor. But it is there – and it is a threat to everyone. There is also fall in cost (and easy availability) as another factor as to why so many people have taken to installing the burglar alarms.

Now as more and more people have taken to installing the burglar-alarms, questions have started being raised about them. There are, for instance, those who wonder whether burglar alarms really do work.

The question as to whether burglar-alarms really do work is not an idle one. It is based on two observations. One is that in spite of the widespread installation of the burglar-alarms nowadays, burglaries still continue to take place. So it is clear that the burglar alarms do not completely ‘deter’ burglary. Second is the even more damning observation that some burglaries are actually taking place in homes where the burglar alarms have actually been installed. And all this leads to the question as whether burglar alarms really work.

So do burglar-alarms really work?

The answer, in spite of the few distractions to the contrary, would appear to be quite a strong ‘yes.’

For one, there is no denying that the burglar-alarms, where installed, serve as a deterrent to small-time burglars, and perhaps even some big-time burglars. In the criminal’s mind, the fact a homeowner has had the foresight to install a burglar alarm shows that they are ‘security conscious’ – and there is no telling what other measures they may also have put in place. Of course, there are hardcore criminals who can’t be deterred by ‘just this’ type of observations. But in as much as the burglar alarms do at least deter some criminals, they more than justify their cost.

The second reason as to why burglar-alarms can be said to ‘work’ is that they provide psychological comfort to the homeowners who install them- in knowing that they have done the best they could to protect themselves from burglary. This puts them in the category of wares through which we purchase ‘peace of mind’ – which is very important.

Do you need 24/7 Monitoring of your house or business? Try burglar alarms at http://www.burglar-alarms.us/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3347841